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About the International Applied Wing Chun Federation


The International Applied Wing Chun Federation is a non-profit organization founded in 2011 and chaired by SiFu Duncan Leung that has as its goals:


1. To promote and preserve Grandmaster Yip Man's Wing Chun Kung Fu principles, curriculum, and training methods, as passed on to SiFu Duncan Leung.


2. To enhance teachers and practitioners from member schools by supporting personal and professional growth in Wing Chun through certification and training programs.


3. To assure students from member schools receive quality training of Wing Chun Kung Fu by adhering to curriculum and standards adopted by the Federation and endorsed by SiFu Duncan Leung.


4. To establish fellowship, cooperation, and trust among our Federation members.



For more information about the federation, as well as an up-to-date listing of sanctioned and approved teachers and schools, please refer to the IAWCF Home Page as well as the IAWCF Facebook Page.

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